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Webinar On Homoeopathic Management Of Covid-19 Cases

What a great achievement by KQHDA, 31st May Webinar on Homoepathic Management of Covid 19 had a tremendous response more than 700 participants including many Senior scholars, Faculties, Senior practitioners and Junior doctors from India and across the world including Dubai, Geneva, Botswana, Zurich. We could admit 500 at a time and more than 200 were waiting to log in. From the day we started the Webinars, the response has been tremendous, the first meeting itself was more than 300 followed by 425 participants. The Homoeopathic fraternity has realized KQHDA means education rather quality education. The team work is strong, before we decide on the speaker , a lot of space work is done and only the Best of the Best one is selected.
For 31st May Webinar, The speakers Dr Andre Saine, N.D, FCAH ( Dean Canadian academy of homoeopathy) and Dr Dilip Dixit, M.D, Homeopath, MICR, were welcomed and introduced by Prof. Dr Shreepad Hegde, Dr Sreenivas, Dr Praveen Kumar PD and Dr Sreenivasalu.
The session began with Dr Saine sharing his experience treating Covid-19 cases in Turkey, Brazil, France and Canada. Dr Saine has treated several cases of pneumonia. He states, ” No person should die of pneumonia regardless of the stage”. If correct Hahnemanian method of Homoepathic treatment is applied number of cases can be cured. We need to treat COVID cases taking into consideration complete case analysis and prescribing on PQRS symptoms in terms of heirarchy. The remedy needs to be repeated frequently and should be continued for two weeks after the symptoms disappear to prevent relapse. He shared his monologue on Carboneum Oxygenisatum and its effect in patients with low oxygen levels and those on ventilator. He shared few cases of treating COVID positive cases including a nurse, doctor and few people staying inappropriately in a building wherein there were COVID positive on first floor and after administering the preventive, the second floor people as well as the quarantined people were negative for COVID.
The next session was commenced by Dr Dilip Dixit who started with the RNA of the COVID Virus, its virulence and how we can prevent the virus from multiplying. He shared his experience of treating more than 1000 patients using Therapeutic Regime and its usefulness as a preventive through case presentations. The session ended with motivational words from Patron Prof Dr B D Patel and vote of thanks by Dr Krishnamurthy. Dr Patel especially thanked Dr Hegde for getting both the eminent speakers to KQHDA platform. Both the speakers delivered an impactful session leaving the participants energized as well as confident in handling COVID cases. Dr Sanjay Panicker, Dr Chiranth and Dr Subha coordinated the entire web meeting. This successful international webinar created a historic moment for KQHDA especially in times of lockdown marking a landmark in the coming years.

Reported by Dr. Trupti Pai