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Treatment Of Pathological Cases

Attended by: Dr BD Patel ,Dr H L Swamy, Dr Sreenivasalu, Dr Deepa Raje, Dr Deepa Amar and many other senior and growing homoepaths Brief Introduction of Speaker : Dr Deepa Raje gave a brief introduction about Dr Gurukiran to all the attendees.

Dr Gurukiran, passed out from Govt. Homoeopathic Medical College, Bengaleru, practices classical homoeopathy since 10 years at Chamrajnagar close to Mysore, took up the challenge of practicing homoepathy in an area where people had NO knowledge about what homoepathy is, and has over the years flourished as a renowned homeopath treating different cases with single dose.

Key points of the CME:

  • Dr Gurukiran shared his experience on his initial years of practise and how he learnt from his mistakes.
  • He shared few cases on diseases such as Varicose ulcer , hypertension, PCOD, epilepsy, dermoid cyst, acute appendicitis, infertility, impetigo, treated with acute appendicitis, infertility, impetigo, treated with single dose and amazing results.
  • Treatment with remedies like Aurum iod, Helleborous, Opium, tarantula, Baryta Sulph.
  • He explained how to convert symptoms to rubric such as Sarcatic , indifference, confusion of mind
  • Interpretation of rubric such as indifference can have two meaning like ; Indifference means totally not affected with events happening around you and Indifference means being affected deeply to even situations happening to distant relatives or unknown people.
  • Treating a case of infertility in patient with Baryta Sulph. This patient had confusion of mind, dullness slowness which I fixated more to Baryta carb but the artistic nature in him indicated sulphur, hence one dose of Baryta Sulph increased his sperm count from 0 to 3 million and 2nd dose of same medicine same potency to 20 million
  • Treating acute appendicitis with Bryonia and dermoid cyst with tarantula hispanica hence saving the patient from the surgeons knife.
  • Shared video of a 7 year old boy having epilepsy since two years and how he was treated with Tarantula hispanica two doses.
  • Dr Gurukiran made the CME interactive by having the attendees stimulate their grey matter and give the attendees stimulate their grey matter and give their suggestions in what remedy they would have given. He also answered queries related to potency and differentiated remedies.
  • He explained us how we need to have a broader vision on remedies thereby prescribing on symptoms not on diagnosis. Not all weeping tendencies are Pulsatilla and not all indifference is Sepia.

Conclusion: To understand what the patient wants to communicate through his expression of symptoms, by reading between the lines, to broaden your vision in prescribing with totality and the physical constitution, and believe your instincts in treating acute cases. Finally the CME was concluded by handing over the memento and certificate by Dr H L Swamy to Dr Gurukiran.

Announcement of National seminar on 29th April 2018 by Dr Parinaz Humranwala. Please enrol immediately as few seats available.