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Webinar On COVID -19 – Response & Containment Measures

Karnataka Qualified Homoeopathic Doctors Association( KQHDA) conducted its first webinar on 3rd May, 2020 using Zoom digital platform.The topic for the webinar was Covid-19 Response and Containment measures by renowned speaker Dr Anil Khurana, Director General in charge, CCRH, Chairman CCH and Researcher Dr Ramesh Bavaskar , Research officer, CCRH. The free webinar was open for all Homoeopathic Doctors across India and the world. The webinar started at 3pm and was attended by Members of various organisations like IIHP, KHMA, HAMI, IHMA, NICE, HRS, including College Principals, lecturers, senior and junior doctors. The webinar was inaugurated by Patron Prof Dr B D Patel. He welcomed the Speakers and all the participants, stating that in this lockdown we are together though apart, following social distancing which is need of the hour. He also mentioned that KQHDA and its team have already started distributing free immunobooster across Karnataka. KQHDA Chairman Prof Dr H L Swamy , gave a brief summary about the organisation and introduced the new team of KQHDA with Prof Dr Shreepad Hegde as the new President. Later, Dr Hegde introduced the speakers Dr Anil Khurana and Dr Ramesh Bhavasker. The first session of the webinar was commenced by Dr Anil Khurana. In his speech, Dr Khurana appreciated the idea of having a digital platform for conducting CME and sharing knowledge, especially in this time of lockdown. Dr Khurana shared his views on efficacy of Homoeopathy quoting examples of;
  • Spanish Flu in 1918, where the mortality rate of patients with Spanish flu was 2% in patients who had taken homoeopathy compared to patients who had taken allopathy which was 30%.
  • In Dengue fever, where the platelets increased 3 times faster in patients with homoeopathy compared to the other line of treatment. There was no mortality rate when indicated homoeopathic medicine was given along with standard care. More 50% were treated only with homoeopathy.
  • Similarly in Gorakhpur which is endemic for Japanese encephalitis, when indicated homoeopathic medicine was administered along with standard care, the mortality rate was reduced to 15% with homoeopathy. More than 85% of children recovered completely only with homoeopathy.
  • Dr Khurana expressed his gratitude to ICMR, CCRH ministry and secretary for taking permissions from the Ayush Ministry for allowing homoepaths to conduct trials.
He shared the steps taken by CCRH and Ayush Ministry in this pandemic;
  • With the current pandemic, scope of homoeopathy in treating COVID patients is high but unfortunately the potential of homoeopathy is not been harnessed or recognised as it should be.
  • The virus being new , as per policies mentioned in Epidemic act due to the infectious state of disease, it has to be treated in designated Covid care centres or quarantine areas only with proper preventive measures.
  • An advisory was circulated by Ayush Ministry on 6th March, 2020, to administer Arsenic Album 30 as an immunobooster in this COVID19 pandemic. Many states have already administered this drug to lacs of people.
  • It has been seen that Arsenic Album has ability to upgrade or regulate the immunity and hence as been advised by the Ayush Ministry.
  • CCRH is facilitating Private practitioners from Mumbai who approached CCRH to allow them to do trials on Covid cases as an add on to the regular line of treatment with proper research protocols to be followed. CCRH is helping with CTRI registration. Many Covid centres have been approached to allow Homoeopaths to conduct trials.
  • Ayush Ministry website has received more than 700 suggestions, researches on handling this pandemic and many are shortlisted for prophylactic study.
  • A new mobile app will be introduced shortly on social media, wherein the researchers who have administered immunobooster or prophylactic need to give a detailed data on the responses as per protocols.
  • A task force is formed by the Ayush Ministry to work with these different groups and provide detailed data on these researches and data capturing along with a prophylactic study.
  • A proposal for Corona virus Nosode is ready and trials are conducted. As the virus is highly infective, its validation will take a long time as researchers need to be sure it is safe on healthy subjects.
  • Dr Khurana clarified the myth that just diluting the virus in ampule in multiple dilutions would be effective which is incorrect. When researched with dengue virus even the 200th dilution was not safe as it created havoc in the immunological status of the animals tested.
He further quoted few examples where Arsenic Album 30 was used as prophylactic immunobooster in this pandemic namely;
  • In UK, a group of 6 girls staying together, out of which one girl took Arsenic Album while other five did not, it was seen that the five girls were COVID positive except the girl who took Arsenic Album 30.
  • In Gujarat, 2000 quarantine people were administered Arsenic Album 30 and none of them showed any symptoms except for few who were in the later stage of Quarantine.
  • The same has been witnessed in Pune and Malegaon where it was administered to SPRF and police officials.
More research on the prophylaxis with detailed study in a structured format is in process. Dr Khurana concluded his speech by advising all doctors to download the Aarogya setu app and spread the awareness about Corona virus regarding social distancing, maintaining hygiene, wearing masks as well as protecting themselves from the virus while treating patients. Every practitioner should know all aspects of the virus, its symptoms, spread and treatment. He thanked Prof Dr B D Patel, Prof Dr Shreepad Hegde and Prof Dr Swamy and the organisers for inviting him as a speaker for the webinar. The second session began with Prof .Dr Shreepad Hegde introducing the speaker Dr Ramesh Bhavasker. Dr Bhavasker with the help of PPT presentation educated the participants on various aspects of COVID. The presentation elaborated on
  • COVID warriors; their roles and objectives such as
      1. Identifying HRGs, early detection of carriers, high and low risk groups.
      2. Providing psychosocial care and support. Creating awareness and preventive measures in community.
      3. Personal safety and precautions such as hand hygiene, social distancing and respiratory hygiene.
      4. Understanding about COVID, its symptoms and modes of transmission.
      5. Measures of surveillance in Community Containment cluster zones wherein the Covid warrior is responsible for identifying suspect as well as contact cases by doing door to door visit and enquiring about symptoms or any travel history or history of exposure to Covid positive areas or person.
      6. They need to inform medical officer on suspect and contact, maintain data on symptomatic and asymptomatic cases.
  • Who should do the COVID test?
      1. Anyone who has fever cough and respiratory distress
      2. History of travel in the last 14 days to COVID transmission or positive areas.
      3. Contact with confirmed Covid-19 case.
      4. Anyone who is in direct contact with Covid patient without proper PPE
      5. Staying in same close environments.
  • Explained myths and misconceptions around COVID with case examples.
He concluded the session by thanking the organisers. Dr Chaitali Kulkarni concluded the webinar with vote of thanks to the speakers, all the participants and to the KQHDA team.