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Homeopathic management of Vitiligo

The session began with a warm welcome of participants by KQHDA President Dr Chaitali G K. Followed by introduction of Dr Sanjay Panicker by Dr. Manisha. The topic for the day was ‘Homeopathic management of Vitiligo’. Dr Sanjay started with basics of vitiligo like definition and classification.The highlight of this part was the tips that he gave in between which were important for us as homoeopaths. For example the prognosis is better when it is focal or segmental vitiligo rather than generalized. Also vitiligo on fleshy parts with good blood supply heals faster than those on bony parts. He also spoke about the ‘Woods lamp’ as an important diagnostic tool for vitiligo/ pre-vitiligo at the same time stressing the need to differentiate vitiligo from pityriasis. He spoke about triggers and disorders associated with vitiligo. Managing associated issues like thyroid disorders is important as it affects the progress and prognosis of the disease. General guidelines for treatment:
  • Make the right diagnosis
  • Advice a set of investigations
  • Appropriate diet advice
  • Important to be double sure about your Homoeopathic remedy and only then stop the allopathic medicines.
He presented two detailed cases at the end of the session. Not forgetting to mention that although specifics ( like Ars.SF, Ammi Visnaga) exist and help Classical Homoeopathic approach works the best! This was demonstrated through these cases. This was followed by introduction of Dr Arvind Kothe by our patron Dr B. D. Patel Sir. Dr Kothe made a learning packed presentation with a case, how to approach a case systematically, importance of repertorisation and detailed sharing of lesser known aspects of the remedy Carcinocin. The session ended with felicitation of Dr Kothe Sir and Dr Sanjay Panicker followed by a vote of thanks by KQHDA Secretary Dr Deepa Raje. There was declaration of Doctors Day celebrations in the next month and that every CME would include a talk by Dr Swamy Sir on a rare remedy. Reported by Dr Kalyani M.Patange