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Homoeopathic Management of Covid Cases

Time: 3:00 PM
The Webinar started with Shangunadham by our Patron Dr. B. D Patel, all the Panelists and Participants were Welcomed by Dr. H L Swamy, Our Second issue of KQHDA Homoeo Sandesh was released by Dr Shreepad Hegde and brief introduction was given. The Event Marked a record break of over 1500 registrations in the history of KQHDA webinars, there were around 800 participants watching through Youtube and Facebook live and 492 participants watching through Zoom platform. The Event was Inaugurated by Dr. B D Patel who spoke about importance and usefulness of Homeopathy in Covid along with case feedback. Col [Hony] Dr Anil Habbu[MBBS,MD,DPH, fellow of Faculty of Homoeopathy of UK] spoke about experiences with Covid 19, the Genus Epidemicus which is Hahnemann’s Concept of quick prescribing for a wider application, which is useful in Pandemics to help larger number of people. Cons of Genus epidemicus is that clinical symptoms differ globally depending on geographical variations, and Virus Mutants. Few symptoms like Insatiable appetite or no appetite, dry mouth, dysnoea on least exertion, lung infiltrates, alteration in taste and smell function due to affected sensory receptors without Coryza led him to discovery of Genus Epidemicus Zincum Metallicum. On Repertorisation electric shock like < sleep again confirmed Zincum metallicum. The Toxicology data of Zincum and salient featured from Toxicology was explained. Quoted from aphorism 153[altered sense and taste] was mentioned. Clinical experience in Treating Acute, moderate and severe Covid was presented with HRCT reports. Post Covid complications like Persistent Cough, Persistent Mild Hypoxia, Anxiety, Insomnia, Psychological issues, Post drug antibiotic Gut dysbiosis is seen a lot for which Constitutional Prescribing is required. Homoeopathic Research during a Pandemic is important to prove the entire world as whatever we do is scientific. A double blind placebo controlled randomized trial is going on. Iam in Favour of Covid Vaccine, and the type of Vaccine is individual’s choice. Prof.Dr.Rajan Sankaran MD[Hom], [Research Scientist and Renowned international Teacher] spoke about treating Covid cases. In Covid cases there are 3 levels of symptoms and in a given case we can find people in one of these levels: General symptoms of Pandemic, Symptoms of Acute, Symptoms of Constitutional remedy. PQRS symptom of Covid is lack of Anxiety and Breathlessness even if pathologically bad and all of sudden collapse and death. Patient is happy even in spite of being deeply hypoxic led him to select Camphor 1M as prophylaxis with reference from Plant kingdom and periodic table cluster of remedies. Many Covid cases were presented with important remedies used like Arsenic, Camphora, China, Ignatia, Bryonia, Gelsemium etc Mentioned about 8 Box method always used in his practice and briefed about certain class of cases which needs frequent change of remedies over the course of treatment. A team of his doctors worked in 4 major hospitals of Pune and 300 cases were treated with Clinical study among which 150 patients treated with Homeopathy with 2 deaths and 150 patients treated with Placebo with 12deaths. Explained in detail about Potency selection, If more of Local and emotional symptoms then 200 potency is chosen, if general symptoms, dreams and mind state more than 1 M is chosen and if more of intense and sensation symptoms are seen then 10M is chosen. In acute and severe cases medicines given 3hourly or 6hourly. In cases where patient presents normal mind and body state in spite of Covid then Acute or Constitutional medicines should be thought of. Studies were done on effectiveness of Camphor 1M as prophylaxis in Brazil, Romania, France, Bajaj Auto, Containment zone Delhi etc. The need for double blind random controlled trials was stressed upon by all homoeopathic Practitioners. Prof Dr Shreepad Hegde MD[HOM], former Professor GHMC Bangalore, President KQHDA] discussed about Clinical Presentation of Covid, its common symptoms, incubation period among which one important symptom being Dyspnea in 65% of patients which takes 2-9days to develop. The peak of second wave came with lot of Fear, Uncertainty, Depression, loss of near and dear ones, helplessness in people of medical Fraternity. Different Phases of Covid19 was mentioned: Prodromal Phase, Entry Phase and Serious Phase. Homeopathy worked very well in First 2 Phases where as in serious Phase it was a challenge. Study of treatment of Covid cases was done with records into 2 groups. 1st group: Covid19 patients treated with Homoeopathic medicines. [30 cases] 2nd group: Covid19 patients treated with allopathic medicines along with Homoeopathic medicines. [30 cases] Remedies which were often used were Arsenicum, Carbo veg, Kali carb, Bryonia, Arsenicum Iod, Tuberculinum, Hepar sulph, Phosphorous, Pyrogenum, Antim Tart, Pulsatilla, Belladonna and Mother Tinctures like Blatta, Lobelia, and Aspidosperma were given with quick recovery. Phophorous which was seen as a very good remedy for Capillary Bronchitis and its importance was quoted from Homoeo Therapeutics by Edwin A Neatby. Spongia Tosta also helped in many patients with upper and lower respiratory tract infections. An audio clipping of the typical cough of Covid patients commonly seen was presented for better understanding. Shared many Covid cases treated, few without any medicines but only assurance, diet and rest and also shared testimonies of cured Covid patients thanking the doctor. He said it was advantage in knowing Patient’s Constitutional medicine for treating Covid complications. Many challenges are going to be faced shortly like Post Covid complications, Vaccine reactions, effective handling of new variant of Covid Infection. The Homeopathic doctors were encouraged to take research work and scientific study of Homoeopathic medicines. In the end a beautiful Poem written by a 12th standard girl, a Covid survivor who is his patient was shown. Dr. R Valavan MD[HOM], MBA, head scientific and Medical affairs Schwabe India] spoke about Ensuring Stringent quality of Homoeopathic medicines amid Covid19 appropriate measures. It was a challenge to follow Covid Protocol throughout the medicine manufacturing units wherein Employees were screened, monitored, sanitized and awareness given. Genuine medicines were used and quality given highest importance with modern quality control process in a well-equipped quality-controlled laboratory. Other Covid time activities like Free food for all near the workplace and Free Ration and Immunoboosters were distributed to needed people. The Webinar ended with Vote of Thanks by Dr Chiranth, webinar was well Coordinated by Dr Subha and Dr Trupti Pai. Reported by Dr Anusha Mathew. KQHDA HOMOEO SANDESH 2nd issue-1 Pdf