Pathological Prescriptions

The Year 2022 began with National Webinar on Jan 2 nd conducted by Karnataka Qualified Homoeopathic Doctor’s Association. The Speakers for the webinar were Dr Srinivasalu and Dr Venugopal Gouri who spoke on Pathological Prescriptions and Cholecystitis respectively.
The Session started at 3pm with Positive vibrations of the Shankhanadham by Patron Dr B D Patel. The General Secretary Dr Subha welcomed all the participants, the speakers and the KQHDA team members. The 4 th Issue of KQHDA E magazine “Homoeo Sandesh” was released by Patron Dr B D Patel, and Editor of the Magazine Dr Shreepad Hegde briefed about the articles in the magazine. The theme of this issue was based on Research. The winners of the Brainvita Quiz in the last issue were announced and has been published in this 4 th issue.

Dr Sanjay Panicker gave a brief introduction of both the speakers. Dr Srinivasalu began the 1 st part of the session with challenging cases of Dermatology, chronic pancreatitis, Vertigo and Fever cases with pathological prescriptions based on symptomatology and pathology with excellent results. He shared his experience treating effectively challenging cases with more than one remedy at a time depending on the case.

Dr Venugopal Gouri began the Second session by briefing on the pathology, symptomatology, investigations and how we can save the gall bladder from surgeon’s knife with Homoeopathy. Common reason for acalculous cholecystitis is commonly seen after surgery, post ICU admission (currently seen in covid admitted patients), emotional stress, injury/trauma, after acute illness. He also shared scenarios wherein surgery is inevitable. Common remedies indicated in cholecystitis both acute and chronic were discussed such as phosphorus, calc carb, podophyllum, merc sol, cholesterinum and so on.

He later shared cases on how acute cholecystitis was handled avoiding surgery and cases of cholecystitis with large size calculus showing raised blood values within a short duration of time. The entire session was very well moderated by Dr H L Swamy. Dr B D Patel gave his concluding remarks and vote of thanks was done by Dr Chiranth. Dr Trupti coordinated the session which was live on Facebook and the session as well as E magazine will be available on kqhda website