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Physiological Effects of Homoeopathic Remedies & Management Protocol.

KQHDA has always believed in the power of enrichment of knowledge in the field of Homoeopathy. Apart from providing platforms for sharing cases & experiences to the speakers, KQHDA also recognizes & encourages practitioners in their research related activities.
It highlights the latest developments in the field of research & also mentors students & practitioners in research work.The webinar held on 2nd Aug 2020 was a perfect representation of the importance of scientific research in the field of Homoeopathy.
The webinar began with the positive vibrations of Shankanaada by patron Prof Dr B D Patel.
Dr Sreepad Hegde, President (KQHDA) introduced the speakers Dr Dora Pachova- National Vice President, LMHI(Bulgaria) & Dr Khushali Gambhir- Senior Homoeopathic Physician.

In the first session
Dr Dora spoke on the Physiological effects of homoeopathic remedies estimated by heart rate variability.Her extensive research work in this field gave a new insight about Heart Rate Variability measurement as an additional indicator of the efficiency of homoeopathic remedies which could be utilized in research work in homoeopathy.

In the second session
Dr Khushali Gambhir briefly discussed about Menopause transition, Homoeopathic management protocol.She highlighted various aspects like the miasms being mainly psora & sycosis in the background, cases in this transition would mostly present with lot of concomitants esp the mental symptoms & an early & quick intervention with indicated homoeopathic remedies would transit the patients to a healthy state.She explained the scope of research in these conditions would favor the growth of homoeopathy.

The session concluded with Vote of thanks by Prof Dr H L Swamy Chairman (KQHDA).
We expect healthy participation from all our members in upcoming KQHDA activities.
Reported by Dr Sushila Rao