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Role of Homeopathy in Veterinary Clinical Practice and Mucormycosis Black and White fungus.

The Webinar started with Shangunadham by our Patron Dr B.D Patel which created a positive vibration and aura. Dr H.L Swamy welcomed the speakers and all the participants to the webinar. He requested everyone to pay condolence to fellow homeopaths Dr S.P Sanjay and Dr Lalit Varma, by maintaining a minute of silence and prayer, who succumbed to Covid.

Dr B.R Srinivas introduced the first speaker Dr Surjit Singh Makkar (BVSc and AH, MSC(IT), MCA, member faculty of Homeopathy Malaysia, direct trainer skills, Veterinarian, ex joint director PAHS1. Dr Makkar presented a wonderful topic of clinically treating animals using Homeopathy. He said the most important part in treating animals is OBSERVATION as they can neither talk nor explain their suffering. We need to observe the odd, unusual, PQRS symptoms, behavioral changes, and temperament to arrive at totality and use repertory analysis for prescription. Just as with people, animals give clues into their individual characters which should be observed carefully. 

He further stated mental symptoms reflects animals emotional or behavioral state like fear, restlessness, sadness, aggression, excitability or submissiveness. The dairymen who use homeopathy in animals say that homeopathy allows you to treat more emotional or psychological problems in the cows.

Perinatal problems like failure to accept calf, milk let down problems, stress can be treated well with remedies like Ignatius, Pulsatilla, Sepia, Lillium tig, Aconite, kali phos etc. Pulsatilla is the most commonly used medicine in all female animals for reproduction and also more production of milk. 3-5 pellets medicines are given for smaller animals and 8-10 pellets for larger animals orally or nasally, followed by monitoring the animals including necessary investigations done and moral support to owner of patient is given.

Dr Surjit presented 5 cases of animals/birds like a parrot suffering from Psittacosis or parrot fever treated with Arsenic album 30, a case of Buffalo with Uterine prolapse treated with Lilium tig 200, calendula Q and rescue flower remedy, a case of Coliform mastitis treated with Arsenic album, Bryonia, Merc sol, Sulphur, phytolacca, Carbo veg and urticaria urens, a case of Warts on 3 year old cross bred cow treated with Thuja200,  Antimonium Crud 200 and Carcinocin 30 and a case of Rectal prolapse in a kitten treated with Sepia200 and Ruta200. Homoeopathy does work in Veterinary with wonderful results with proper observation and correct Similimum.

Dr Sanjay Panickar introduced our second speaker Dr Shreepad Hegde MD(Hom), Director Tattva homeopathic research center, who presented most needful Topic of the hour, Mucormycosis. Dr Hegde explained in detail about Mucormycosis, it's definition, scientific name, types, classification, pathology and structure.

One had to watch out for common symptoms like pain and redness around eyes, nose, foul smelling discharge from the nose , fever, severe headache(may resemble sinus headache), cough, shortness of breath, vomiting blood, altered mental status and its complications being blindness, Loss of body tissue due to infection and debridement, if not treated in early stages may result in death.

The prognosis is fair to poor with 50% death rate and 85% death rate for rhino-cerebral and G.I infections. Mucormycosis is an opportunistic fungal infection which mainly affects people with health problems , or take medication that lower body's ability to fight germs and sickness due to indiscriminate steroid usage and in people with uncontrolled diabetes are potentially responsible for driving an uptick in a rare fungal infection among vulnerable Covid patients and occasionally in a group of patients who are injured (penetrating injuries that are contaminated with soil and water from environment) whereas an immune-competent host with intact skin and mucosa barrier is usually resistant to the infection, however natural disasters and trauma account for the disease in healthy hosts.

It's a hospital acquired Iatrogenic infection due to non-sanitization of oxygen supply in hospitals and contaminated hospital equipment due to ignorant Para medical staff.  Many patients need surgery done to do debridement as emergency to save the life of patient.

He mentioned White fungus is more dangerous than Black fungus due to its acute effect on lungs, sinuses, brain and other organs and it's fast spread and great damage to vital organs is a threat to life. He quoted from Organon Aphorism 71 and miasmatic understanding of fungal infection which maybe in psoric, sycotic or syphilis stage. A case of Canine nasal aspergillosis treated well by Aurum Metallicum was told. He mentioned the rubrics used to select remedies and explained preventive measures to be followed to prevent Mucormycosis. Common remedies used for treatment are Arsenic album, Hepar sulph, Hippozaenum, Merc sol, Kali iod, Lachesis, nitric acid, syphilis, phosphorus etc. He said black fungus has been declared by Union health ministry as notified disease under Epidemic diseases act. Hence it is compulsory to report cases of Mucormycosis to the Health Ministry to understand and curb its spread in certain areas.

The session was open for floor discussion wherein participants could ask questions to Dr Surjit Singh and Dr Shreepad Hegde directly and it was well moderated by Dr Trupti Pai. Many questions were put forth by participants, some interesting ones were,
Any homeopathic trials were conducted so far on animals?
Are all homeopathic medicines safe in Veterinary science pregnancies as well?
What are common medicines used for subclinical mastitis and foul-smelling cow’s milk?
Any food restrictions followed while giving medicines to animals?
Any preventive medicines for Mucormycosis in homeopathy?
What is the important role of homeopathic treatment in black fungus?
Dr Hegde did suggest that we should write to Ayush Ministry to include veterinary Homoeopathy in Colleges and conduct more research on the same.

Dr B.D Patel concluded the webinar by appreciating both the speakers and said it's not easy to treat animals as they can neither talk or complain as human patients and he was happy to see that all homoeopathic principals were followed, and single remedy was always given even in animals after repertorisation. He said Mucormycosis is the most important topic now and a detailed explanation was

well appreciated, the most important one being " don't be scared of it, only 5-10% are getting affected, so prevent it by following all preventive measures".

The Webinar ended with vote of thanks by Dr Trupti Pai. Webinar was well coordinated by Dr Chiranth, Dr Subha and other office bearers.

Reported by Dr Anusha Mathew.