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Webinar On Essence Of Acids

KQHDA organized a free CME webinar on 17th May 2020 on Essence of Acids through Zoom digital Platform. Prof Dr. Shreepad Hegde, President, welcomed the participants and the session was started with Ganesh Shloka sung by Dr Sushila Rao, Joint Secretary. Dr Chiranth, Vice president, introduced the speakers before each session. The first session was by Prof Dr H L Swamy Chairman, who gave a brief description on the basics and characteristics of Acid group and its relation to snake remedies followed by detailed understanding on the Drug Picric Acid. He concluded the first session with a case study on how Picric acid can be used for Migraine headache, Diabetes Mellitus. The second session was by Prof Dr. Hegde President, who spoke on Acetic acid, commonly known as vinegar. Dr Hegde started the presentation elaborating on the prover of Acetic acid, its physiological action and characteristics. Through case study he shared treatment of insect bites and varicose veins with bleeding ulcers with Acetic Acid. The third session was commenced by Prof Dr. B D Patel, Patron ( KQHDA). He explained the use of Sulphuric acid for patients with hurriedness, withdrawal symptoms of alcohol, Menopausal complaints and for head injuries. He also explained the keynote prescription for Sulphuric acid. All three sessions on acids were informative, motovating as well as good learning for all the participants. Dr Ramesh Kumar( Tumkur) shared his experience on treating a case with Acetic Acid. There was a good response with more than 180 participants from all over India as well as abroad. Dr Sanjay Panicker coordinated the web meeting. KQHDA president Dr Hegde appealed everyone to become life members of KQHDA and be a part of all future activities. The 2hr CME was winded up with vote of thanks by Dr Subha, Secretary( KQHDA)

Reported by Dr. Trupti Pai