The Webinar started with Shangunadham by our Patron Dr.B.D.Patel which created a positive
vibration and aura.
Dr.Shreepad Hegde and Vinay welcomed all speakers, participants and office bearers.
Dr.B.D.Patel was wished by everyone on his birthday before the webinar began.
Our first speaker Dr.B.D.Patel who spoke about the close similarity between Yoga and Homoeopathy, wherein mind and body is treated holistically. He spoke about the importance of learning Yoga from a proper teacher instead of TV, as there is no benefit if it is done without proper knowledge.
Our 2nd speaker was Divya Prabha Mataji [Co-founder,Brahmrishi Yoga Teacher Training, India, UK] who spoke about definition, types of Yoga, Vrithis, as to how to practice Yogasana and Pranayama. A good and comfortable posture and the control of Inhalation and exhalation is very important while practicing Yoga. If we can Control our breath through Pranayama then thoughts can be controlled too which in turn will make our nervous system stronger.
Our 3rd speaker Dr H.L.Swamy spoke about how Yoga and Homoeopathy works for building immunity, He said in Homoeopathy mind, body and soul is considered in giving medicines, he compared 3types of Miasm[Psora, syphilis, sycosis] with Sathwik, Rajasic and Tamasic personalities of Yoga. Collaboration of Yoga and Homoeopathy will help our society to bring balance in life. Yoga has been practiced in India since ages, similarly
Our 4th speaker Prof.Dr.M.Prakash kumar [Ayush, Government of Karnataka] who spoke about yoga and homeopathy both have same principles of treating mind and physical body for the well being. Regular practice of yoga relaxes mind and builds stronger mind and body connections and hence is very useful in clinical practice of homeopathy especially in endocrine disorders and psychosomatic & diseases. He explained Yoga postures for Thyroid diseases and also 4 methods of yoga according to Vivekananda.US military, National Institute of health and other large organisations are incorporating Yoga’s value in healthcare.Yoga has to be strictly learnt under a good teacher, if not lack of knowledge is risky and can cause injuries.
5th Speaker Dr.M.K.Nagaraj Rao[ Chairman, Academic council of Yoga university ofthe Americas] who spoke about how to reap maximum benefits through Patanjali and Hatha Yoga. Our personality has 2 dimensions [Physiological and Psychological] which has to be balanced well with the help of Yoga. Yoga has to be practiced with earnest desire, and mindfully without any force or challenge to get good benefits. Treat mind with lot of love and care while doing Yoga and Pranayama which indeed is the real essence of Yoga.
Our 6th speaker Susanne Strasburger[Pharmacist, Yoga therapist, healer, Germany] who spoke about Reflection on Klesha from Yoga sutras of Patanjali.Klesha is called painful suffering. Desire, self-centrism, envy, Jealousy, Chagrin, Fear will lead to suffering, the more the man is tied to his profession or attachment will lead to suffering. Enjoying Yoga without worrying about its benefits will lead to comprehensive mental clarity and clears up all the disturbing forces or Kleshas.
Our 7th speakerDr.Yogi Devaraj [Chairman, SVYRHHT] spoke about 4 Vedas [Rig, Yajur, Sama, Atharva] and its Sub divisions and similarly our life is also divided into 4 parts [Brahmacharya, Grihasthashrama, Vanaprastha and Sanyasa] and said it’s only the continuous practice of Yoga and Pranayama which will enable us to read the Upanishads and lead life accordingly with discipline. Our 8th Speaker Prof Dr.Shreepad Hegde who said Yoga is essentially spiritual discipline based on an extremely subtle service focussing on bringing harmony between mind and body. It’s an Art and Science of healthy living wherein Dhyana and Dharana is for Mental Balance, Asana and Pranayama for Physical Balance and Yama and Niyama for Emotional Balance.
The Webinar was Concluded by Dr Shreepad Hegde who Announced a Mega National Webinar with International Speakers on 4th July Organised by KQHDA and Schwabe.
Vote of thanks was by Dr.Shreepad Hegde and Vinay,
The Webinar was well co-ordinated by Dr.Chiranth, Dr.Subha and Dr.Trupti.
Reported by Dr.Anusha Mathew.
Our 3rd speaker Dr H.L.Swamy spoke about how Yoga and Homoeopathy works for building immunity, He said in Homoeopathy mind, body and soul is considered in giving medicines, he compared 3types of Miasm[Psora, syphilis, sycosis] with Sathwik, Rajasic and Tamasic personalities of Yoga. Collaboration of Yoga and Homoeopathy will help our society to bring balance in life. Yoga has been practiced in India since ages, similarly
Our 4th speaker Prof.Dr.M.Prakash kumar [Ayush, Government of Karnataka] who spoke about yoga and homeopathy both have same principles of treating mind and physical body for the well being. Regular practice of yoga relaxes mind and builds stronger mind and body connections and hence is very useful in clinical practice of homeopathy especially in endocrine disorders and psychosomatic & diseases. He explained Yoga postures for Thyroid diseases and also 4 methods of yoga according to Vivekananda.US military, National Institute of health and other large organisations are incorporating Yoga’s value in healthcare.Yoga has to be strictly learnt under a good teacher, if not lack of knowledge is risky and can cause injuries.
5th Speaker Dr.M.K.Nagaraj Rao[ Chairman, Academic council of Yoga university ofthe Americas] who spoke about how to reap maximum benefits through Patanjali and Hatha Yoga. Our personality has 2 dimensions [Physiological and Psychological] which has to be balanced well with the help of Yoga. Yoga has to be practiced with earnest desire, and mindfully without any force or challenge to get good benefits. Treat mind with lot of love and care while doing Yoga and Pranayama which indeed is the real essence of Yoga.
Our 6th speaker Susanne Strasburger[Pharmacist, Yoga therapist, healer, Germany] who spoke about Reflection on Klesha from Yoga sutras of Patanjali.Klesha is called painful suffering. Desire, self-centrism, envy, Jealousy, Chagrin, Fear will lead to suffering, the more the man is tied to his profession or attachment will lead to suffering. Enjoying Yoga without worrying about its benefits will lead to comprehensive mental clarity and clears up all the disturbing forces or Kleshas.
Our 7th speakerDr.Yogi Devaraj [Chairman, SVYRHHT] spoke about 4 Vedas [Rig, Yajur, Sama, Atharva] and its Sub divisions and similarly our life is also divided into 4 parts [Brahmacharya, Grihasthashrama, Vanaprastha and Sanyasa] and said it’s only the continuous practice of Yoga and Pranayama which will enable us to read the Upanishads and lead life accordingly with discipline. Our 8th Speaker Prof Dr.Shreepad Hegde who said Yoga is essentially spiritual discipline based on an extremely subtle service focussing on bringing harmony between mind and body. It’s an Art and Science of healthy living wherein Dhyana and Dharana is for Mental Balance, Asana and Pranayama for Physical Balance and Yama and Niyama for Emotional Balance.
The Webinar was Concluded by Dr Shreepad Hegde who Announced a Mega National Webinar with International Speakers on 4th July Organised by KQHDA and Schwabe.
Vote of thanks was by Dr.Shreepad Hegde and Vinay,
The Webinar was well co-ordinated by Dr.Chiranth, Dr.Subha and Dr.Trupti.
Reported by Dr.Anusha Mathew.